Emma Butler Gallery
111 GEORGE ST WEST | ST. JOHN'S NL | CANADA | A1C 6K2 | 709 739-7111 | emmabutlergallery@nl.rogers.com

Historical Works
Anne Meredith Barry RCA
Anthony Barton
David Blackwood RCA
Grant Boland
Patrick Canning
Ting Ting Chen
Alistair Drysdale
Lori Doody
Yevhenii Fedorenko
Jean Claude Girardin
George Horan
Kathleen Knowling
Jessica Levman
John McDonald
Robert Mellin RCA
Shawn O'Hagan
Susan Paterson
Barbara Pratt
Christopher Pratt RCA
Mary Pratt RCA
Steven Rhude
Bill Rose
Jean-Claude Roy
Olaf Schneider
Dave Sheppard
Wally Shishkov
Lotti Thomas
Krista van Nostrand
Darren Whalen
Michael Young

Barbara Pratt

Barbara Pratt's work explores the essence and meaning of beauty through realism. Her early subjects were exclusively people-more precisely, the rich hues and textures of their fashionable clothing. Pratt later extended her investigations to the natural world, capturing the brilliant, transient beauty of petals and flowers. She now incorporates images of both-separately or combined-in her oil paintings.

Born in St. John's in 1963, Barbara Pratt is the youngest daughter of artists Christopher and Mary Pratt. Though she grew up in an artistic household, Pratt remembers being neither actively encouraged nor discouraged from choosing art as a career. She became a full-time painter soon after graduating from Acadia University, and has won several awards and grants, including the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Award.

Barbara Pratt's work has appeared in a number of solo and group exhibitions across the country, and is in major private and corporate collections. She continues to live and work in St. Philip's, Newfoundland.