Emma Butler Gallery
111 GEORGE ST WEST | ST. JOHN'S NL | CANADA | A1C 6K2 | 709 739-7111 | emmabutlergallery@nl.rogers.com

Historical Works
Anne Meredith Barry RCA
Anthony Barton
David Blackwood RCA
Grant Boland
Patrick Canning
Ting Ting Chen
Alistair Drysdale
Lori Doody
Yevhenii Fedorenko
Jean Claude Girardin
George Horan
Kathleen Knowling
Jessica Levman
John McDonald
Robert Mellin RCA
Shawn O'Hagan
Susan Paterson
Barbara Pratt
Christopher Pratt RCA
Mary Pratt RCA
Steven Rhude
Bill Rose
Jean-Claude Roy
Olaf Schneider
Dave Sheppard
Wally Shishkov
Lotti Thomas
Krista van Nostrand
Darren Whalen
Michael Young

Jean-Claude Roy

Jean Claude Roy describes his style as "expressionist-colourist"; he is passionately drawn to landscape, both physical and human, and nowhere more than in Newfoundland. Largely self-taught, he says that his paintings constitute a visual diary, a depiction of what he saw and felt each day; seen over time, his works are visual witnesses to the enduring beauty of Newfoundland but also to the social changes that have taken place.

Born in Rochefore sur Mer, France, in 1948, he was aware from early childhood that he would be an artist. His interest turned to landscape on visiting Newfoundland for the first time. Having spent his twenties in Newfoundland and the following decade in France, he now divides each year between the two countries.

His work has been the subject of a book and several documentaries, and with Ben Hansen he has produced a book of Newfoundland landscapes. He is currently working with the community of Conche, Newfoundland, to produce a 200 foot tapestry depicting their history.

His works form part of private and public collections in Canada, France and the United States, and he is represented by commercial galleries in these countries.


Newfoundland and Labrador